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Posted on Jan 24, 2012

Values Quotes – Benjamin Disraeli on Happiness

Today’s quote is from Benjamin Disraeli, the renowned British Prime Minister (twice), a conservative statesman, and literary figure.

Benjamin once stated:

“Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.”

Benjamin Disraeli was known as a man of action, even willing to stand alone against the opposition, if he believed in his position. And he was clearly happy in politics as he served in government for three decades.

Happiness is a different kind of value. It means: a state of well being with emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

While most people perceive happiness to be a passive value – something you experience – Benjamin understood that a state of happiness is something that requires work.

You must take action to be happy.

So…. If you value happiness, what actions are you taking to experience it?

1 Comment

  1. to me happiness equals contentment. I am content with my personal relationships, my circumstances in life. That does not mean there are no times of hardship but for the most part it does not take my contentment away.