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Posted on Jun 14, 2012

Encouragement is an Investment

This is a guest post by Lori Ferguson – my wife, business partner, and best friend. She is also my encourager, having invested in me for over 30 years. You can read her blog at Encourage Your Spouse.


As a differentiating value, Encouragement means:

Giving courage or confidence or hope; 

the expression of approval and support.

We all enjoy encouragement.

Encouragement feels good whether it’s an approving smile from a co-worker, a pat-on-the-back from a peer, or a note of thanks from an employer.  Even a stranger has the power to encourage us because they’ve noticed who we are and have shown an interest.  However, we value encouragement more from some than others.

We value encouragement most from those we love.

There’s a reason you married your spouse.  Your spouse is unique – a gift from God made just for you.  You recognized this and chose to be married.  The commitment you made on your wedding day means you value this person and you’re building a life together.

How’s it going?

If you’re like the majority of us, some years will be good, some will be rotten and others will be filled with blips of joy and dips of sorrow.   Your ability to weather the highs and lows of a life together is directly related to the degree of focus invested in your relationship.  The strength of your marriage – your relationship – depends on what you put into it.  Encouragement is one way to invest.

Bottom line?

Investing in a future together pays dividends.

Investing in your spouse by adding in courage,  building hope, expressing approval and providing support  are ways to build a strong marriage.  Encouragement adds strength.

5 Ways to Invest

Invest in Hope.  Encouragement affects perspective.

Invest in being proactive about focusing on hope.  Hope is optimism in action, and the dividend it pays is a positive outlook for the future.  Inspire your spouse with hope, and you’ll shape a good future together.

Invest in Faith.  Encouragement builds faith.

Invest in your own faith – your ability to believe, and a solid walk with  Christ, then invite your spouse to join you.  By building your strength of faith, your steps into the future will be guided by the Creator – the greatest engineer of all.  Fortify your spouse with your experiences of faith and you’ll be a living testimony of God’s power, and His grace will cover your life – together.

Invest in Love.  Encouragement nurtures love.

Invest in your love with unconditional approval.  Be an advocate for your spouse.  Focus on giving thanks for all the qualities in your spouse you value.  Foster an atmosphere of love with your spouse and you’ll experience a sense of warmth, and security in your relationship.

Invest in Prayer. Encouragement lifts up and adds courage.

Investing in prayer releases anxiety and connects spouses.  Sometimes life is just too much.  If you are asking for and seeking answers from the Creator of All, and if you’re active in prayer with your spouse – the connection from prayer will lift you both up and give you courage.  A spouse I interviewed said one main reason he wanted to marry his wife was because he knew she was a prayer warrior – always taking everything to God.  Uplift your spouse with the assurance that he or she is not alone, but rather walking forward with God.

Invest in Action.  Encouragement supports.

Investing through supportive actions creates momentum.  Two people, going in the same direction will go farther, faster than one alone.  Encouragement through action supports a great life together.

What is the ultimate dividend from Encouragement?

A strong marriage – filled with hope, courage & confidence – will add great value to everyone.  Imagine how you will be able to influence your children – your family – and your community through a strong, solid marriage…

The legacy you will leave will continue to yield great value for generations to come!


How can the value of encouragement benefit your marriage?


Today’s value was selected from the “Enthusiasm-Teamwork” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Value.





  1. Happy Hour | The Romantic Vineyard - [...] Encouragement Is An Investment - This is Lori’s first guest post on her husband’s blog. We love how they continually…