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Posted on Apr 16, 2013

Values Quotes – Charles Spurgeon on Excitement

Todays quote is from Charles Spurgeon, the renowned preacher from the 1800s who is remembered as the “Prince of Preachers.” He remains a key influencer amongst many Christians today.

An insightful quote from Spurgeon is:
“It very often happens that the converts that are born in excitement die when the excitement is over.”

Spurgeon clearly spoke from experience.

As a differentiating value, Excitement means emotionally aroused and worked up; exhilaration; or having great enthusiasm.

As many Christians can attest, an excitement about faith can be generated by others. I call it the crowd effect. When a soul gets worked up and enthusiasm for the Lord abounds, it’s easy to understand how and why such a soul makes a decision to commit themselves to Christ.

But the real test of faith occurs after the excitement subsides. When all the exhilaration is gone, and all that is left are the trials of life – maybe even some of the ones they had before – the question remains: where is the ongoing excitement?

Here’s the interesting part about the value of excitement. It’s an emotion, and its source is found within us, which is often fleeting. However, the most sustainable source of excitement comes from above. So when a soul finds the true source of excitement – experiencing God’s truth and grace – then it is sustainable for life.


Today’s value was selected from the “Enthusiasm-Teamwork” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.