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Posted on Jan 17, 2014

Different Ways to Build Vitality into a Marriage

According to the leading marriage assessment and skill-building program, PREPARE/ENRICH, a vitalized marriage possesses the highest levels of couple satisfaction. In other words, a healthy marriage is one that embraces the value of vitality.

As a differentiating value, Vitality means an energetic style; healthy capacity for vigorous activity; ability to survive and grow.

When you think of vitality in marriage, maybe some of the images that come to mind include a couple:

  • climbing a mountain
  • sailing across the ocean
  • running a marathon
  • hang gliding
  • or simply riding bareback on horses along a sandy beach at the ocean (how romantic!)

I know a few couples who could do all of these – and then some. They seem to possess an unlimited supply of energy, and a love for the outdoors.

However, outdoor activities are only one form of vitality in marriage.

Different Forms of Vitality

Not every couple is into outdoor activities or like to use their energy in a physical way – though physical intimacy between a husband and wife is an important part of a healthy marriage, which may include some “vigorous activity”…

Sometimes it’s nice for a couple to enjoy spending quiet time together, such as watching a movie or sharing interesting insights from a book they are reading. But such quiet time is not considered vitality.

If you and your spouse are looking for some indoor activities, there are lots of different ways to build vitality into your marriage, including:

  • joining a dance club (or just dancing in your living room)
  • participating in swimming classes at a local recreation center
  • indoor exercises (e.g. weightlifting, stretching, or yoga)
  • going bowling
  • cooking a meal together
  • entertaining groups of people in your home on a regular basis
  • renovating your home (or maybe just a closet)
  • supporting an activity at your church (e.g. teaching a Sunday School class or helping the youth group with an outreach project)
  • helping a charity or other non-profit raise money (e.g. making desserts for a bake-off, selling calendars or candy to neighbors, co-workers, and friends, etc.)
  • or even starting a new business together.

And don’t forget the simply activity of going for a walk together on a regular basis. It just might be the easiest and healthiest form of vitality.

Of course, all of these activities require energy. While it may not always be physical, the mental and emotional energy are also linked to vitality.

So, whatever you and your spouse choose to do, here’s the key:

Put your whole being into your joint project, task, or activity.

You’re both then supporting a healthy marriage with a little vitality.


What other ways can a married couple build vitality into their marriage?


Today’s value was selected from the “Enthusiasm-Teamwork” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.