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Posted on Sep 24, 2015

Do You Care?

Do You Care?

Rarely is this question asked out loud.

But every person you encounter is considering it in one form or another, including:

  • Customers. Patients. Constituents.
  • Co-workers. Peers. Team members.
  • Contractors. Freelancers. Suppliers.
  • Neighbors. Committee members. Fellow citizens.
  • Friends. Parents. Siblings.
  • Your spouse. Your children.

Now, if you want to be known as a caring person, you could walk around wearing a button that says: “I Care!” But would anyone believe you?

Maybe a better way would be to simply choose to show authentic concern for everyone you encounter – consistently.

To care or not to care is a choice. It’s your choice.

Care = feel concern or interest; providing attention or treatment.
