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Posted on Nov 27, 2015

10 Ways Planning Can Help You Right Now

10 Ways Planning Can Help You Right Now

Green-checkmark-in-a-circleIf you ask a successful person – in any field – they will tell you that to achieve a goal, you need to plan. Yet recommendations on WHEN to plan will vary depending on who you ask. While the exact timing of creating a plan may vary, successful people know it’s the act of planning that matters.

Of course, when it comes to achieving a goal, planning by itself is not the Holy Grail. Your plan may not lead to the expected outcome. But you continue moving forward in the stated direction.

For example:

  • While two teams playing any sport plan to win, only one does. But there’s always another game, another season.
  • When launching a new product, a company might miss its planned sales targets. But it continues selling the product (until it proves there is no future profit).
  • The number of people impacted by a church’s mission might be fewer than planned. But that doesn’t stop it from continuing its good work.

The value in planning is not in the achievement of a goal. It’s in setting direction.

Planning = formulating a program for a definite course of action.

What if you don’t like to plan, or find it difficult to do? Maybe you need a little push to get started.

10 Ways Planning Can Help

Here are ten ways that planning can help you right now:

  1. Clarity. Be clear on your key goals and objectives.
  2. Quality. Be prepared to make better decisions as you move forward.
  3. Insight. Be open to obtaining critical input from key people.
  4. Cashflow. Be equipped with the cash when you need it.
  5. Prudence. Be smarter when making major and minor decisions.
  6. Respect. Be fair in how tasks are allocated to others.
  7. Discernment. Be able to recognize good vs. bad opportunities.
  8. Order. Be organized enough to prevent needless confusion.
  9. Peace. Be protected from unnecessary stress.
  10. Freedom. Be ready to experience the benefits of good planning.

So, if you struggle with the whole notion of planning, consider all the benefits that come from the act of planning. And get started NOW!


“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” — Lewis Carroll

