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Posted on Jul 27, 2012

Are you a shrewd couple?

Observant. Slightly skeptical. Pleasant. Value conscious. Financially sound.

These are descriptors of people I know who are shrewd.

Interestingly, it’s the last part about being financially sound that tends to capture people’s attention. But this is simply a way to quantify the outcome of their shrewdness.

Someone who embraces shrewdness derives pleasure from extracting more than their share of value, even if it’s to the disadvantage of someone else (because that person didn’t figure it out first).

This doesn’t mean shrewd people are cruel. On the contrary, they can be quite generous. However, I find such individuals are more willing to share information versus their time or money. Maybe this shows a clear sense of priority.

So how does one become shrewd?  Are you born with it or is it a trait that can be learned?

Truth is, I really don’t know. It’s not me. This is not one of my values. But I have come to respect it in others.

The Value of Shrewdness

As a differentiating value, Shrewdness means clever resourcefulness in practical matters; astute; and streetwise.

Just the phrase “clever resourcefulness” makes me feel uneasy. And yet, I know people like this. They tend to use “the rules” to their advantage. They don’t ask for permission. Though, they may ask for forgiveness later.

Someone who is astute is keenly observant. They can quickly assess situations or people and turn this into an advantage.

And streetwise reflects a thinking process. People who are shrewd will weigh information they receive against their life experiences. Everything is not viewed as good and bad. Instead it’s categorized as “it depends….’.

If you are a shrewd person, this value resonates with you. But if you are an idealist, like me, this value doesn’t even show on your radar.

So what happens when a shrewd man and shrewd woman get married?

Their shrewdness multiplies.

Shrewd Couples

If a shrewd individual tends to be well-regarded, a shrewd couple is esteemed. In my experience, they are often viewed as “very successful” (consider Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie).

Over the years, I have had the privilege of knowing a number of shrewd couples. They were always in some kind of voluntary leadership role. Maybe it was their way of giving back.

However, it was never fame that they sought. Their joy came from achieving objectives through hard work – and the value of shrewdness.

This generated mixed reactions from others.

Some people clearly looked up to them. Others were openly aggravated with them (maybe it was part jealousy). But most people would listen carefully for some drop of wisdom, as if there were secrets to be discovered.

Of course, the shrewd delighted in sharing their knowledge – if asked – because they were in control of what they shared. And they generally left you feeling that there was something more…

In observing shrewd couples, its evident that the husband and the wife work well together. Their skills tend to compliment each other. They don’t compete. Rather they complete each other, which creates a multiplying factor.

In addition, such couples tend to be well balanced. While they can see the ideal, their natural skepticism protects them from pushing forward too fast. Maybe they protect each other, while at the same time encouraging clever resourcefulness.

The one thing I have not yet determined is whether a shrewd couple is drawn together like magnets. Or if one is shrewd and the other is not, does the shrewdness of one rub off on the other?

What is clear to me is that shrewdness in a couple is a powerful way to achieve more.


What couples do you know that demonstrate the value of shrewdness?

How can the value of shrewdness enable you to make a difference?


Today’s value was selected from the “Pragmatism-Prudence” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.