A Leadership Couple – Baking a Successful Business Together
Recently, I had the privilege of interviewing a remarkable couple in business together. Chris and Debbie Duke shared their story of how they met, how their business started, and some sound advice on both business and marriage.
This leadership couple has designed a unique lifestyle that works for their family, while baking a successful business together for over a decade. Through their business, Anna’s Gourmet Goodies, they’re also making a real difference in the lives of others, many miles away.
When people ask Chris “So, how are you doing,” he is quick to respond, “Well, it depends on your yardstick.”
Based on their yardstick, Chris and Debbie are doing very well…..
You can read their whole story on Leadership Couples, and how they are making a difference.
Are you a leadership couple? Do you have a story to share?
Send me an email at Robert@FergusonValues.com