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Posted on Aug 31, 2012

The Depth & Breadth of Loyalty

Imagine a substantial wall surrounding a beautiful castle.

This wall can’t be burned down – it’s stone. It can’t be knocked or battered down – it’s thick with new mortar. It can’t be scaled – it’s too tall. This wall can’t be collapsed by tunneling because the foundation goes deep into the ground. It allows a vantage to see coming dangers and provides a safe spot to defend the castle against enemies.  The wall shields the castle from harm.

What is the wall that protects your marriage?

Loyalty to each other becomes a wall to protect your marriage. And it’s essential for Leadership Couples.

As a differentiating value, Loyalty means steadfast in allegiance or duty; unwavering in devotion and commitment.

Build your wall before you’re attacked.

Without loyalty a marriage is open to shift. There are changing trends in our cultures that can cause shift in a relationship without loyalty. There are seasons that cause earthquakes in marriages without loyalty.

Loyalty meets the human need for permanency and surety.

Even though life is full of outward changes and marriages go through many seasons, loyalty transcends change. Loyalty bridges seasons.

Loyalty is proven over time, often in stress-filled circumstances.

Think of the words “steadfast” and “unwavering” from the definition of loyalty. There’s a sense of permanency and grit involved in these words. Consider: allegiance, duty, devotion and commitment.  These words show an emotional direction. There’s nothing nebulous or unsure in these words….

To read about the 3 important aspects of loyalty in marriage and how to make a decision to be loyal, go to Leadership Couples.


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Today’s value was selected from the “Determination-Focus” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.