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Posted on Jan 28, 2013

The Value of Popularity in Marketing

The value of popularity means widely admired or accepted or sought after; esteemed; regarded with great favor.

Marketing Questions:

  • Who truly admires what you have to offer?
  • Does your own team regard what you offer with great favor? If not, why?
  • Do your customers feel esteemed? What about your employees?

The Popularity Paradox

We humans want to belong. Seth Godin refers to it as our natural tendency to create Tribes. Yet, we constantly seek what’s new and what’s different, at least in our areas of interest.

Who will you email, text, or call first when you discover the coolest new iPhone app, piece of music to play on the guitar, or new pair of shoes that are “to-die-for”? It feels good to be popular within your own tribe, doesn’t it?

Smart marketers have figured out how to make what they offer a catalyst for their customers to be popular.

But marketers beware.

Popularity is not created or won by focusing on what you market. It’s about the person buying it, sharing it, using it, and giving it away that determines what’s popular.


How can the value of popularity help you create competitive advantage?


Today’s value was selected from the “Freedom-Prosperity” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.