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Posted on Mar 29, 2013

The Pathway to Majesty

Majesty. A rare, but powerful value.

Just saying the word “majesty” makes you sit up straight and pronounce it with emphasis and decisiveness. It brings the image of one bowing before a king or queen, slowly extending their right hand down to the ground, and stating with the fullness of humility: “Your Majesty!

As a differentiating value, Majesty means greatness; impressiveness in scale or proportion. It’s not surprising that majesty is generally associated with monarchy, the sovereign head of state.

So, when you think of majesty, who comes to mind?

Modern Monarchs

The first one most people think of is Queen Elizabeth, the head of the British Commonwealth. Her reign spans 16 states and their territories.

Within Europe, others monarchs include: Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Queen Margrethe of Denmark, King Harald of Norway, King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, King Albert of the Belgians, or Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein (who claims to be Europe’s wealthiest monarch). All of these reigning monarchs enjoy an immense amount of honor, power, and even wealth.

But how did these individuals obtain all of this?

There was only one thing each man or woman had to do in order to receive all of the benefits of their monarchy. They had to acknowledge and accept the role and responsibilities as king or queen. That’s it.

Paving the Way

Now, consider the many individuals over the course of history who paved the way – and paid the price – so that the current monarchs could reign today. Much blood was shed. Incredible suffering was endured by many so that the king or queen today could reign. In some cases, the scale and proportion of sacrifice is beyond comprehension.

In truth, the reference to majesty should be given to those who paved the way for the current monarch. The real greatness is in the sacrifices made that led to honoring the various kings or queens over the centuries. Hopefully the current monarchs accept the honor of their majesty on behalf of those who made these sacrifices.

Now, where do you fit in to all of this?

You likely weren’t born into a royal family. You have a much better chance of winning the lottery than ever becoming a king or queen. So how can the value of majesty ever apply to you?


Someone did pay the ultimate sacrifice so that you can enjoy all the benefits of royalty today.

His name is Jesus Christ.

Perfect Majesty

There’s a reason so many people today celebrate the birth, life, teachings, suffering, death and resurrection of Christ. This was no ordinary man. He was both the Son of God and the Son of Man, and possessed the authority and capability to do the unthinkable.

In the Bible, the Apostle John clearly states: “And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world” (1 John 4:14). That includes you and me.

Just think how long this was in the works.

The plan for our salvation started already with Adam and Eve, when they fell into sin. Around 700 years before Christ, the prophet Isaiah foretold the coming of our Savior and stated: “And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus is also referred to as “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” (Revelation 19:16) by the Apostle John when he wrote the last book of the Bible.

Yet we might look at the suffering and death of Christ and wonder where is the majesty?

As the King of Kings, Christ came to do the most majestic thing ever – pay the supreme sacrifice that would free us of our debts from sin. To do that, he had to bear the burden of all sinners and give His life in exchange for ours. This applied to all those who have ever lived to all those who were yet to come – including you and me. That’s a lot of debt to pay!

This is why we refer to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

(There is a song called Majesty that beautifully defines all of this. I encourage you to listen to it and carefully consider the lyrics.)

So what do we receive in exchange for Jesus’ sacrifice? To be royalty with Him and celebrate in His majesty, as Apostle John writes: “To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father” (Revelation 1:5-6).

All we have to do is acknowledge His majestic gift and accept the role and responsibilities as royalty.


What impact has Christ’s sacrifice had upon you and your life?

What’s the best way for you to honor the majesty of Jesus and what He did for you?


Today’s value was selected from the “Creativity-Uniqueness” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.


Note: This blog post also appears on Leadership Couples.



  1. You asked on Twitter what Majesty meant to us. To me, it conjures up a vision of mountains and the wonder of nature. That is why we are commanded to be good stewards of the earth.
    To me, Jesus stands for love, kindness and inclusion. At every turn, he went out of his way to include those who his contemporaries thought unworthy.
    So what I think at Easter we should make a new beginning. One that extends love to everyone and at the same time, make sure we are kind to the earth.



    • Thanks for responding to my question on Twitter. I love the mountains too and agree they are majestic.

      I agree that Easter is a great time to make a new beginning. And understanding God’s love for us is a solid place to start.