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Posted on May 15, 2013

10 Reasons for Leaders to Establish Order

The value of order means bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage.

Leadership Questions:

  • Does everyone on your team know exactly what is expected of him or her?
  • What needs to change to promote greater clarity of focus for your team?
  • What principles have you established for your team to prioritize and make decisions?
  • If your team rejects the idea of rules, why?

Opting for Order

Effective leaders appreciate the importance of focus, discipline, and the alignment of a team around a common purpose. It’s how objectives are achieved and goals are reached. It’s how organizations – for profits and not-for-profits – make a significant difference in the lives of those they touch.

It’s interesting that as society has moved from the industrial age to the information age – and now to the post-information age – most leaders have shifted their leadership style from one of command and control (though old habits die hard) to one of engagement and empowerment. But even in this modern era of teamwork, encouragement of creative ideas, and freedom of expression in the workplace, the need for order has not changed.

The value of order is not just reserved for the military. There are certain basic leadership principles that are timeless, and the need for order is one of them.

In a world filled with chaos, the value of order is appreciated even more. When individuals want to know how they should prioritize their time and efforts, a clear set of principles or even rules provides clarity and focus. When competing agendas threaten to gridlock, real leaders rise up and establish order.

Here are 10 reasons why effective leaders establish order:

  • Eliminates roadblocks
  • Establishes boundaries
  • Provides clarity of focus
  • Encourages alignment of efforts
  • Identifies true problem areas
  • Promotes teamwork
  • Boosts efficiency
  • Instills confidence
  • Stimulates growth
  • Prepares the team for success

How can the value of order help improve your leadership effectiveness?


Today’s value was selected from the “Harmony-Order” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.