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Posted on May 9, 2013

20 Ways to Refresh Your Marriage Through Relaxation

The value of relaxation means a feeling of refreshing tranquility and an absence of tension or worry.

Marriage Questions:

  • What’s the mental state you need to be in to fully enjoy a relaxing with your spouse?
  • When is the best time of the week for you and your spouse to focus on relaxing together?
  • What are you planning to do this weekend with your spouse that is free of tension or worries?
  • Thinking about relaxing with your spouse, what’s the one thing your spouse would most like to do?

Learning to Release and Renew

When you are feeling overtaxed, over stimulated, or overwhelmed, it’s time for some rest and relaxation. This applies to all 4 areas of your life: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The purpose of relaxation is to refresh, rejuvenate, and recharge. It’s an important part of a healthy life.

The value of relaxation is also an important part of maintaining a healthy marriage. The challenges of daily life take a toll on even the most solid relationship between a husband and wife.

But what can you do to find that feeling of refreshing tranquility and create some time free of tension or worry with your spouse?

Here are 20 ways to build some relaxation into your marriage:

  • Sit on your front porch and make up stories about the people walking by.
  • Go for a bike ride.
  • Throw a Frisbee in a nearby park or local schoolyard.
  • Spread out a blanket on the grass, lie down and find familiar shapes in the clouds.
  • Play a round of golf together.
  • Go to a concert, or local café with live jazz.
  • Make some popcorn and sit together to watch a favorite movie.
  • Do some gardening and putter in the yard together.
  • Get a couples massage and bring your own favorite music along.
  • Go to a teahouse and try some new varieties of tea.
  • Visit a zoo and watch the animals.
  • Stroll through a botanical garden or nursery, holding hands, and enjoying the sights and smells of nature.
  • Visit a historical cemetery and contemplate the shortness of your life.
  • Try the different varieties of a local chocolatier.
  • Go to a pottery place and make and/or paint something together.
  • Find a secluded spot and go parking (and whatever else you choose to do together).
  • Take some chairs and sit near a stream or river, listening to the sound of water flowing by.
  • Take your neighbors dog for a walk (if you don’t have one of your own).
  • Visit a local a park with a swing set and push your spouse on a swing.
  • Lay on your bed and take turns reading a book out loud to each other (and if one of you falls asleep, that’s ok).

What are other ways you can build some relaxation into your marriage?


Today’s value was selected from the “Fun-Recreation” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.