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Posted on Nov 15, 2013

If Grace were a Differentiating Value…

In the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values, I have defined 423 unique values. Grace is not one of them.

Yes, you’ll find “gracefulness.” But not grace.

Why? Because generally the value of grace is attributed only to God. He is the one who extends divine grace – the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.

But my wife, Lori, recently finished reading a book called Grace Filled Marriage, by Tim Kimmel and his wife, Darcy. Lori found the book thought provoking and insightful.

In it, Kimmel suggests that the benefits of extending (God’s) grace in a marriage include

  • a secure love
  • a significant purpose
  • a strong hope
  • freedom to be different and vulnerable
  • freedom to be candid and make mistakes

Kimmel goes on to suggest a marriage should shift from good to grace (instead of good to great).

Interesting…. Maybe I should reconsider including “grace” as a differentiating value.

You can read more about Lori’s review of this book on Filling Your Marriage With Grace at Leadership Couples.


Have you read this book? What are your thoughts?

Do you think “grace” should be a differentiating value?