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Posted on Dec 20, 2013

5 Ways to Develop Composure

A few days ago I wrote about the benefits of composure for leaders.  I listed 29 benefits.

Then I received an email from a reader asking: “Great, but how is it acquired?” So in good teamwork fashion, Lori and I talked about it and then she wrote 5 Ways for a Leadership Couple to Develop Composure.

Here are the 5 ways:

  1. Be Still. As you’d expect, it’s about arranging a regular time for quiet and contemplation.
  2. Leverage Your Strengths. It’s important to know your areas of strength (and weaknesses) and try to stay in your strengths zone.
  3. Take a Time-Out. Give yourself permission to not immediately respond to an issue or crisis. Pause before responding.
  4. Filter Your Heart with Your Head. Do you generally lead with your head or heart? Remember the old saying: “thinking before your speak.”
  5. Model a Mentor. Study someone you admire who demonstrated great composure (living or deceased) and model after them.

You can read more about ways to practice composure on Leadership Couples.


What are other ways to develop composure?


Today’s value was selected from the “Determination-Focus” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.