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Posted on Dec 17, 2013

Values Quotes – David Vitter on Permanence

Today’s quote is from David Vitter, a U.S. Senator from Louisiana.

An important quote from Vitter is:
“Marriage is a core institution of societies throughout the world and throughout history. It’s something that has provided permanence and stability for our very social structure.”

While the focus of this quote is about marriage, I see the significance around the value of permanence.

As a differentiating value, Permanence means a condition or quality of being lasting or fixed; or existing for an indefinite duration.

This value is vital for the continuation of a healthy and stable society. And yet, how easily today we toss aside or desire to change those things that were once considered permanent. For example:

  • The important role of church within a community. This seems to be changing daily.
  • The respect for the law. We now question our laws more than ever.
  • The role of education. Will the public school system, as we know it, survive?
  • And yes, the institution of marriage.

While many today are trying to change the definition of marriage, Vitter’s quote is an important reminder about the value of permanence and its role in society.

Personally, I’m an advocate to preserve the institution of marriage and even encourage marriage enrichment to make it stronger. Why? Because it’s needed today more than ever.

The power of a healthy and strong marriage benefits more than just a husband and wife. It provides benefits to the children and future generations. It supports a strong community, a prosperous economy, and yes, even a stable society.

So, to maintain the permanence of our very social structure, some institutions, like marriage, need to be preserved.


Today’s value was selected from the “Determination-Focus” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.