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Posted on Dec 10, 2013

Values Quotes – Neil Armstrong on Wonder

Today’s quote is from Neil Armstrong, the American astronaut who was the first person to walk on the Moon.

An inspiring quote from Armstrong is
“Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand.”

Now Armstrong was a man who intimately understood the value of wonder and changed history.

As a differentiating value, Wonder means something that causes amazement or awe; or curiosity.

Consider that for how many centuries man has gazed up into the sky and wondered about the moon. And Neil Armstrong was one of those men. Except he actually pursued it, explored it, and even came back to tell us all about it.

The fact is, those that make a significant difference are often possessed by wonder. They think about it morning, noon, and night. They study everything about it. They talk about it. And then they eventually do something that increases all of our understanding about it.

So, what do you wonder about? Is there something over which you feel amazed and would like to understand more?

Maybe it’s a business idea.

Maybe it’s an innovation that would benefit millions of people.

Or maybe it’s a solution to a problem no one has figured out how to solve yet.

So don’t smother your curiosity. Pursue it!

Remember, what starts with wonder can eventually change history.


Today’s value was selected from the “Creativity-Uniqueness” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.