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Posted on May 22, 2014

5 Ways to Cultivate Clarity in Marriage

Man holding sign in front of faceIt’s obvious when a marriage is in trouble. There’s a lack of clarity.

While the one spouse is talking, the other clearly does not understand. There is a quizzical look or scrunched up face visibly stating: “what are you talking about?”

Maybe you’ve experienced a few of the following scenarios:

  • “No, we’re not leaving yet. The show starts at 8, not 7, right?”
  • “I already emptied the dishwasher. What more do you want?”
  • “Why did you make “that” for dinner? You know I hate liver.”
  • “What do you mean the car has no gas? I just filled it up the day before yesterday?”
  • “You know I can’t do it now. I’ll do it later when I have time”

A healthy marriage includes healthy communication. That means communicating with clarity.

Cultivating Clarity in Marriage

As a differentiating value, Clarity means clearness; free from obscurity and easy to understand.

Here are 5 ways to cultivate clarity in marriage.

  1. Be focused. Remove all obscurity by focusing on one topic at a time.
  2. Keep it simple. Make it easy to understand by doing the hard work upfront of removing complexity, and communicating only the points that matter.
  3. Be open. Include both facts and feelings. Healthy communication includes both head and heart.
  4. Test it. If you were to describe something to a stranger, would they fully understand it?
  5. Be transparent. Have nothing to hide, and no hidden agenda.


How do you cultivate clarity in marriage?


Today’s value was selected from the “Fairness-Respect” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Value.