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Posted on Feb 11, 2013

The Value of Rigor in Marketing

The value of rigor means strict attention to rules and procedures; standard of accuracy and consistency.

Marketing Questions:

  • How clear and simple are your branding guidelines?
  • Does everyone in your organization understand the importance of brand consistency?
  • Who is responsible to ensure your branding rules and procedures are followed, internally and externally?
  • How are you measuring the standard of brand accuracy across all promotional pieces and communications?

Running with Rigor

Most people associate bureaucracy and slowness with following rules. Think government, or worse, the DMV.

But when the value of rigor is focused on a goal or meaningful purpose, great things can happen. It is possible to actually speed things up.

Consider an athlete, like Usain “Lightning” Bolt. It is the adherence to the rigor of training that empowers him to break world records and win numerous Olympic gold medals. Yes, it requires discipline. But the discipline is applied to the rigor of training.

The same is true for marketers.

When marketers clearly define their brand and outline the rules and procedures that all parties need to adhere to, everything can go faster.

  • Marketing decisions can be decentralized to employees working at the front lines.
  • Promotional pieces can be developed by the creative agencies with precision and speed.
  • Boundaries are clear for channel partners to know what to use, when, and where.

In addition, a standard of accuracy and consistency builds confidence with customers and increases trust in the brand.

Thanks to the value of rigor, marketers can run farther, faster, giving them a competitive advantage – just like “Lightning Bolt.”

How can the value of rigor help you create competitive advantage?


Today’s value was selected from the “Harmony-Order” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.