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Posted on Jun 3, 2013

The Right Comfort at The Right Time

Mondays is normally a day I focus on marketing. Permit me to deviate from this today.

Who offers you comfort in a time of need?  Well, it depends on the need.

  • If you are feeling overly stressed, burnt out, or in need of a vacation, that all-inclusive resort offering a quiet spot on a sunny beach sounds like heaven.
  • If your air conditioning broke and it’s 100 degrees outside, that HVAC specialist might look like your new best friend.
  • If you’re really sick and end up in the hospital, that kind nurse who knows just the trick to relieve your pain is viewed as a godsend.
  • If you’ve lost a loved one and are grieving, that patient pastor might have just the right word to renew hope and help your heart towards healing.

All of us live through moments of discomfort, pain, agony, hurt, heartache, and distress. We each have times where we’d appreciate a little comfort. But it needs to be the right comfort at the right time.

Consider the following possible scenarios:

  • The wrong comfort at the wrong time can be devastating.
  • The wrong comfort at the right time can be confusing.
  • The right comfort at the wrong time can be frustrating.
  • The right comfort at the right time can be helpful.

Here’s a guide to applying the right comfort at the right time.

3 Types of Comfort

As a differentiating value, Comfort means contentment; freedom from worry; or to relieve suffering – three very different and distinct ways to make someone’s life (maybe even your own life) a little easier.


Maybe you are on a quest for an easier life. The weight of concerns has worn you down. You believe there has to be better way.

Then you find it.

For some, it might be a complete change of scenery, such as finding a quiet home in the country. For others it might be a change of pace, such as taking a new job with less stress. Or maybe all that’s required is a break in the day with a soothing cup of tea and a great book.

All of these are important times we find contentment, when we create the right environment of comfort for our soul.

Freedom from Worry

Just as a nation that values its freedom must sometimes fight to preserve it, so too must each individual fight to push back various worries.

But what happens when we lack the strength or ability to conquer our concerns ourselves? We take comfort in the help from others.

What wonderful freedom is experienced when someone shows up at just the right time and says: “Don’t worry about it. I’ll look after that.” What peace we sense when a problem is completely removed from our plate. What joy we feel when a capable leader emerges giving us the confidence that everything will be ok.

These are important moments when we find freedom from everyday worries and take comfort in the support of others.

To Relieve Suffering

How we long for comfort when we personally experience hurt and pain, and can’t find relief. If the pain is severe enough – physically, mentally, emotionally, or even spiritually – we would do almost anything to stop it.

It is at such times that many a soul turns to prayer, looking to the greatest source of comfort – God, through the power of the Holy Spirit. As Jesus said himself: “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Sometimes, comfort is found simply through prayer itself. Other times comfort is provided through others, who might be sent by God. This could include the actions of a skilled medical professional. Or it might be via a kind word or listening ear from a friend who cares.

Of course it’s wonderful when relief is immediate. But often true relief takes time. It might even feel so slow that by the time the pain or suffering is gone you don’t even notice it. That too is a gift, from God.

What You Can Do

So how exactly can you leverage the value of comfort to help others?

  • First, recognize the type of challenge, worry, or pain being experienced.
  • Second, select the right comfort with which to respond
  • Third, consider the right time to apply the right comfort.
  • Fourth, always include prayer as the first line of defense.

May you be a great source of comfort for others who are in need. And if you are in need of some comfort yourself, may you find the right comfort at the right time.


Do you have a story of when someone provided you with the right comfort at the right time?


Today’s value was selected from the “Appreciation-Kindness” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.