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Posted on Jan 16, 2012

Why creating an authentic brand is counter-intuitive

Beware the comparison trap. It’s pervasive in sports, in politics, and in business.

  • Pepsi tastes better than Coke.
  • A Ford GT is faster than a Ferrari 430 Scuderia.
  • The MacBook Air is lighter than the Lenovo ThinkPad X1.

It’s human nature to compare, so the media thrive on it. Thus we’re surrounded by comparisons every day.

When trying to build your business, and your band, the common trap is to compare against the competition. Are these assessments familiar?

  • Our product lasts longer than any of our competitors.
  • Our customer service can’t be beat.
  • Our brand is the most reliable on the market.
  • We offer the lowest prices – anywhere.

While this might seem ‘normal’ business behavior, it’s tough to build a brand this way.

By definition, a brand is unique. There is only one McDonalds. Only one Microsoft. And only one Michael Jordan.

Yes, a person can become a powerful brand. How? When they manage to set themselves apart by being really good at some thing – and often just one thing. This is true for individuals, products and services, and organizations.

A successful brand is authentic.

Authenticity Defined

Authenticity means genuine or not corrupted from the original; worthy of belief. This is a powerful value that seems so simple, and yet so hard to live up to – consistently.

Ironically, being authentic should be natural.

As individuals, we are each unique. There are no two people on the planet who are identical. Each person has unique DNA. Each of us has a unique fingerprint.

But then the comparisons begin – in school, in sports, and sometimes even at home.

To try and fit in we intuitively work at “being like the others.” We genuinely want to fit in and be accepted. Yet, we’re not really being genuine.

So it’s not surprising how this phenomenon is brought forward into a business. With all of the training each of us has received growing up, it’s counter-intuitive to be authentic.

Authenticity in Business

If you have an established business, what is it best known for? If you are starting a new business, what would you like to be known for? As a business owner, what are you known for? Deliberate reflection can be a powerful tool to determine who you really are.

In your business, are you trying to create something new? Or be a me-too?

Are your trying to impact your market with incremental change? Or create disruptive change?

To establish – or regain – authenticity, two things are required:

–       Develop Your Differentiating Values

–       Develop Your Leadership Skills (see note below)

Once you have clearly defined your differentiating values – what is genuine and worthy of belief – then effective leadership will help you maintain your authenticity and build a successful brand.

What are you doing to establish or regain authenticity in your business?

NOTE: Are you are a husband and wife team in business together, and interested in participating in a FREE 8-week leadership study program with a small group of other like-minded couples? Please contact me at



  1. Being authentic is very important. I believe that people can see through a person who is fake and only uses hype &/or comparison in their business.

    • Agreed. I think most of us have a built-in “fake-detector.”