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Posted on Dec 6, 2013

A Test of Confidence for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs tend to be filled with an abundance of confidence. As a differentiating value, Confidence means assurance; an expression or feeling of trust or certainty.

So in what ways are entrepreneurs confident?

My wife, Lori, just wrote 25 Ways to Know You’re an Entrepreneur. It’s a great test for you and your spouse to assess your level of confidence.

Here’s a sample.

You might be an entrepreneur if…

  1. You’re internally wired to take ownership – of anything you do. (Even if the organization owns everything.)
  2. You’ve got a great idea for an awesome business. (Probably more like a million ideas… and counting.)
  3. You are future focused. And you have a plan for everything. (Even if that plan is “I’ll wing it!”)
  4. What you call fun – others call work. (And you can’t stop thinking or working on your “fun”.)
  5. You can’t stay inside the box. (What box? There’s no such thing as a box. You crush boxes.)
  6. You believe there’s more. What there is – is not enough. (You can’t understand why people don’t see your vision.)
  7. To you, the word “no” means “not right now”. (And you have no clue why everyone around you is so negative.)

You can read the other 18 ways to know you’re an entrepreneur at Leadership Couples.


What’s your level of confidence as an entrepreneur?


Today’s value was selected from the “Confidence-Courage” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.