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Posted on Dec 26, 2013

10 Unexpected Benefits from Adoring Your Spouse

How often do you hear someone exclaim about a newborn baby: “Oh, I just adore him!” Or maybe you hear: “She’s just so cute!”

You might also hear such words out of the mouths of parents (and more often grandparents) and even close friends as the baby matures and grows. But by the age of 5, 6 or 7 such comments seem to fade away. The former baby is now a child with its own mind and will.

The same thing seems to happen in marriage too.

In the early stages of a relationship, the adoration a man and woman have for each other is quite evident. The man worships the ground she walks on. The woman dotes on her man and esteems him.

But what happens to that adoration after a few years of marriage? Just like the cuteness of a baby, the adoration seems to fade away.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Adoration in Marriage

The value of adoration is more than an emotion. It’s a choice.

As a differentiating value, Adoration means admiration or esteem; worship; the action of loving devotion or fascination. In marriage, the power and effect of this value increases with time.

Consider your natural reaction when you see:

  • A married man opening the car door for his wife.
  • A married woman smiling and blowing kisses across a driveway to her husband.
  • A man or woman cheering their spouse on as they play their favorite sport.
  • A married couple sitting on a park bench, smiling and quietly talking with each other.
  • An older couple going for a walk and holding hands.

The reason you would continually choose to adore your spouse is obvious: it promotes a happy marriage. But the benefits of adoring your spouse go much further.

10 Unexpected Benefits from Adoring Your Spouse

When you openly love and adore your spouse:

  1. Your children feel loved.
  2. Your children witness how to love someone else.
  3. You bring joy to your parents (and parents-in-law).
  4. Your extended family rejoices (and maybe even envies you, in a good way).
  5. You inspire admiration and respect in your friends.
  6. Your employer has increased confidence in your capabilities.
  7. You win approval from co-workers and neighbors.
  8. You fascinate those who have a hunger for love.
  9. You create a bridge of assurance for those who have lost it.
  10. You provide a foundation of hope for everyone.

If you have never before considered the benefits of choosing to adore your spouse, now is a good time. But no pressure. Just focus on your spouse and admire all the beautiful and positive qualities God laid into them.

They were designed just for you!


Who else benefits when you adore your spouse?


Today’s value was selected from the “Devoutness-Purity” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.