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Posted on Apr 14, 2017

The Secret To Making A Meaningful Difference

The Secret To Making A Meaningful Difference

At this time of year, when Christians celebrate Good Friday and Easter, it’s an important reminder of the power of selflessness. Christ was totally selfless when He gave His life so that everyone could be reconciled to God and receive the promise of eternal life.

The selfless act of Jesus Christ is beyond anything ever done in the history of mankind.

How can we possibly follow His example to demonstrate selflessness?

While no one can replicate what Jesus did, we can model our lives after Him. We can learn to be selfless be focusing on just one other person – something Andy Stanley encourages and I highlight in the following Values Quote video.

May this encourage you to try and make a meaningful difference in someone’s life today.


Today’s quote is from Andy Stanley, an author, well-respected leader, and senior pastor of North Point Community Church in Atlanta, Georgia.

A great quote from Andy is:

“Do for one what you would do for everyone.”

Simple, yet powerful. To me, Andy is taking about the value of selflessness.

As a differentiating value, Selflessness means having, exhibiting or motivated by no concern for oneself but for others; or altruism. In other words, it’s when you are totally focused on the needs of others.

But what happens when we keep seeing more and more people in need? When the needs actually expand and grow? When we become overwhelmed with ALL the different issues and concerns of EVERYONE in the world?!?!

Then remember Andy’s statement.

Don’t pull back and stop being selfless. Instead, FOCUS your efforts, and help ONE person. Embrace the full value of selflessness, and don’t help just a little. Give it your all. Do for one person what you would do for everyone.

That’s how you can make a meaningful difference – and change the world!


