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Posted on Nov 21, 2018

How to Make Thankfulness a Lasting State of Mind

How to Make Thankfulness a Lasting State of Mind

Thankfulness is a healthy practice. Various studies have confirmed that it’s a key value that makes for the happiest people.

Yet, at times we find ourselves focusing only on the bad things happening around us. It’s like our ability to see the good has been turned off, and thankfulness is the furthest thing from our mind.

So how can we remain in a state of thankfulness?

Look for God’s hand that’s always there.

If we look for it, we can see God’s hand continually working all around us.

  • His love for diversity can be seen in the countless species of animals that inhabit the earth.
  • The wonder of His creation can be seen in the planting of a tiny seed that reaps a?great harvest.
  • His desire for change and progress can be seen in the unseen, quiet strength of a tree growing ?big and strong over the years.

Such moments, when we recognize God’s hand, can leave us overwhelmed with gratitude. He created everything around us to appreciate and enjoy.

Here, I’m reminded of a Values Quote I created a few years ago, highlighting an insightful statement by Charles Finney. When we can see God in everything, we can make thankfulness a lasting state of mind.

And this leads us to be among the happiest of people.

Happy thanksgiving!


Today’s quote is from Charles Finney, a leader in the second great awakening and father of modern revivalism.

Finney makes this profound quote:

“A state of mind that sees God in everything is evidence of growth in grace and a thankful heart.”

That’s a powerful statement and one we should all carefully ponder as we look to celebrate thanksgiving here in America.

As a differentiating value, Thankfulness means showing gratefulness or appreciation; and warm friendly feelings of gratitude.

So to whom do you show your gratefulness, appreciation or gratitude? Your spouse? Your parents? Your boss or co-workers? Your friends and neighbors?

What about to God, the creator of everything?

Finney’s quote wisely points out that when we see God in everything – and that everything comes from God – then there’ll be evidence of a thankful heart.

A wonderful song often sung at this time of Thanksgiving is “Count your blessings, name them one by one.” Do we appreciate our freedom? Are we grateful for the peace we experience? Do we value the opportunity to live and work wherever we choose? Do we say ‘thank you’ for every meal we eat?

Do we show our gratitude for family and friends and that we don’t have to go through life alone? If you can read, if you can talk, and if you can think up an idea and share it with others, there is reason to be thankful.

So, I wish YOU a most blessed Thanksgiving where you too can recognize that God is in everything, and everything is from God.
